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What kinds of scales are common for us to see?

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What kinds of scales are common for us to see?

The common types of scales include spring scales, balance scales, electronic scales, platform scales, beam scales, and floor scales, etc.
Spring scales: The weight of an object is measured based on the principle that the elongation of the spring is proportional to the external force.
Balance scales: The mass of an object is determined by the equilibrium condition of the equal-arm lever.

Electronic scales: The weight of an object is measured by the electrical characteristics of the sensors and digital readings are displayed.

Platform scales: They are typically employed for weighing large quantities of objects, such as goods or bulk items.
Beam scales: The weight of an object is measured by leveraging the lever principle through the scale marks on the beam.
Floor scales: They are commonly utilized in commercial settings and can measure the weight of larger objects.
These scales have extensive applications in both daily life and commercial activities, satisfying diverse weighing requirement

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